
dementia, communities & environments

Our Creative Spaces in the Community project is using the outdoors and nature-focused activities to build social networks, foster independence and enhance the physical and mental health of older people living with dementia in rural communities in Cornwall.

We'll be using this section as a place to generally share our thoughts on dementia and those it affects, including relevant projects, events, activities etc. If we've read it, written it, seen it or heard it and we think it should be 'out there' then here's where we'll share it.

B-looming Marvellous!

Just look at what we were up to last Friday - you can't keep us away from all these dementia/memory loss events!  This one was organised by Age UK Cornwall and was well attended throughout the day.  We set up an area where we could provide activities and have an opportunity to chat with people about what kind of support/social interaction they had in their communities.

Other conversations were based around reminiscing about places, people, work etc.  If someone was at ease, chatting with us and being creative, their carer would take the opportunity to spend a little 'me' time wandering around, getting coffee, having a massage themselves; we're always glad we can help them to have a little time to themselves.

If you're wondering what the activities were, people could either have a go at weaving natural materials through our nature loom (as you can see from the corner photos, there were daffodils, ivy, reeds, grasses - all great for weaving) or they could create pages for the beginnings of their own nature scrapbook using a mixture of natural materials and craft tools such as stamps (top and bottom middle photos). Either activity provided the opportunity to chat; initially based around the activity but often, as most conversations do, leading off on a tangent to other aspects of life.

CSiC Project Manager