
dementia, communities & environments

Our Creative Spaces in the Community project is using the outdoors and nature-focused activities to build social networks, foster independence and enhance the physical and mental health of older people living with dementia in rural communities in Cornwall.

We'll be using this section as a place to generally share our thoughts on dementia and those it affects, including relevant projects, events, activities etc. If we've read it, written it, seen it or heard it and we think it should be 'out there' then here's where we'll share it.

Time for a little celebration

We've received some wonderful news for the Creative Spaces project - a further 12 months funding from the Big Lottery through their Supporting Change and Impact fund.

It will assist us in evaluating the project, in strengthening the sustainability of the project's outcomes and will help us to take the processes used in the care homes out into the community to support home carers and carers who offer outreach support.

The team are delighted; it means we'll have more to share with you through this blog over the next 16 months; new guidance materials, resources, community workshops, stories, memories and news of all the 'great' and 'positive' that's happening in dementia care both locally, nationally and don't go anywhere.

evaluating and capturing moments

Project Manager