
dementia, communities & environments

Our Creative Spaces in the Community project is using the outdoors and nature-focused activities to build social networks, foster independence and enhance the physical and mental health of older people living with dementia in rural communities in Cornwall.

We'll be using this section as a place to generally share our thoughts on dementia and those it affects, including relevant projects, events, activities etc. If we've read it, written it, seen it or heard it and we think it should be 'out there' then here's where we'll share it.

A very creative Christmas ...

Creative Spaces season of festive fun got off to a great start at the Ageing Artfully event at Kingsley Village ... members and volunteers from Memory Cafes all over Cornwall came together for an afternoon of creative expression and discovering hidden talents.  Our natural, sensory Christmas decorations  proved very popular - people enjoyed making popcorn, dried fruit and cranberry garlands (to hang on the Christmas  tree or outside to feed the birds!) , as well as willow wreaths and pretty tree decorations from dried oranges, star anise, cinnamon and chillies. People with dementia were able to do these accessible and collaborative activities together with carers, volunteers and grandchildren, while the wonderful smells evoked memories of earlier Christmases and trips abroad.
People also had opportunities to try out dancing, yoga, sculpture and ‘singing for the brain’, or simply to indulge in a relaxing hand or shoulder massage ... one carer commented that best part of the afternoon was being surrounded by so many caring people that she had felt 'held' and floating, instead of weighted down by responsibility …

The rest of December seems to have flown by in a whirl of glitter, fruit and spices!  Residents at Woodlands loved making popcorn cranberry garlands to give their tree an unusual touch … these are a popular American tradition and one lady remembered making them every year when she lived in Canada .

At Trevarna young people and residents pulled out  all the stops last week preparing for Saturday’s music event – glitter balls improvised from dry oasis, rolled in glitter and adorned with spices, seed heads and mini dried chillies, proved especially popular with the young people, while the birds preferred our take on fat balls – snowflake shapes made with coconut oil and bird seed hung out in the garden …

Icing the Christmas cookies

Pink glitter is always a favourite ...

Festive treats for the birds!

Festivities culminated in a wonderful evening celebration at Trevarna, organized by the new Trevarna Community Activity Group!  Residents, their families, local young people and other community members all joined us in the decorated garden room  to enjoy Rachel singing Christmas songs, followed by mince pies and Christmas cookies, a warming glass of mulled wine and some traditional carols – accompanied by Wendy on the flute (playing in public for the first time in 20 years!). Seeing families singing, chatting and eating together, and the residents’ evident pleasure at being part of this festive community event definitely made all the hard work worthwhile! 

Merry Christmas!

Project Officer